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  • 10:45, 9 November 2024David Bagsby (hist | edit) ‎[266 bytes]Dan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''David Bagsby''' [ Follow David Bagsby on SoundCloud.] Category:Artists")
  • 10:43, 9 November 2024Great Gargantuas (hist | edit) ‎[718 bytes]Dan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{album | artist=David Bagsby | year=2006 | isOfficial=yes | isTribute=yes | image=great gargantuas.jpg }} = About The Album = '''Great Gargantuas''' is an album of variations on songs by Gentle Giant and Genesis. The album was part of a series called the ''Progressive Art Rock Amalgam'' (PARA) by the composer David Bagsby. According to Bagsby, the album appeared with "a variety of versions of the running order" of the tracks. The album is very rare. <blockquote> [Th...")