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This fan memory was written by Rick.

My most vivid memory of the two Gentle Giant concerts I attended is from their 2nd appearance in Dallas, in 1976, between the two shows described on this page by Prism's Michael Clay, GG's first of two at the Electric Ballroom. I'm certain that many, and probably most of the audience had never heard GG before and appeared to be listening only casually. There wasn't any seating close to the stage (so to dance to the usual fare, I suppose) and during the Giant's set a large number of us were standing in clumps in this space, but well back from the band. The bassist/vocalist from Prism, Steve Parker, his girlfriend and I were standing near the front of this group enjoying the Giant's performance of "Knots" when something very odd happened. Just as the band reached that heavy, descending riff, DUH-DUh-Duh-duH, some 90% of the audience on the dance floor RUSHED passed us to the edge of the stage, roaring their approval and beaming admiringly at our heroes. The band seemed only a bit startled by this and didn't miss a note.

Parker and I, still in place, stood blinking in puzzlement at each other for a moment. It felt something like vindication for the believers. I moved up to join the new Gentle Giant fans, a few of whom I would later get acquainted with before GG returned the following year for the gig where Prism opened. At that show, the Electric Ballroom was packed to point of fire hazard.