Memory:Graham Exton
The Birmingham, UK gig was on December 8, 1975. Free Hand was the latest album, and the concert was recorded for release as part of Playing the Fool. My friend Geoff and I travelled from nearby Stafford to Birmingham Town Hall to see our heroes. We had no idea where the town hall was when we disembarked at New Street station, but reasoned that it was probably at the top of the nearby hill. I'm glad our logic was sound, because we saw a concert that has been a vivid memory ever since. From the first note of the show our teenage mouths were open in awe, only to shut and possibly go "Ahh!" when the fairy lights started during the xylophone interlude. I remember laughing a lot too, mostly at Ray. I can't remember what he was up to, I'm afraid, but I think he may have done a version of Sweet Georgia Brown. I also noted Gary's vigorous leg - something he still hasn't tamed, I'm pleased to say. The whole show was bloody marvelous, one of the best I've attended. I look forward to seeing the Three Friends one of these days.