Gentle Giant Home Page:Adding a photo
To add a photograph to this site, automatically putting it into the proper categories, follow the method below.
Upload it with a unique name
Don't overwrite existing photos. We recommend naming your photo as your_username-filename, e.g., dbarrett-myfile.jpg.
Don't call your image "gg.gif" or "kerry.jpg". These sorts of names are already taken. Use unique names.
Add the proper template to the image page
Visit the image page for your photo (Image:yourfile.jpg), click the Edit link, and add the appropriate template:
List the band members left to right with full names
In the template, next to "who", list the band members from left to right, giving their full names, separated by commas. If you do this right, the photo will automatically be categorized for all the band members.
Check categories
Save the image page you're editing. Look at the categories at the bottom of the page. If you've done everything correctly, then the photo will automatically be placed into the proper categories.
If you've never uploaded a photo before, you'll see a new (red) category containing your own name, e.g., "Photos by John Smith." Click the link to edit your category page, and insert the line:
{{photographer category}}
plus any other information about the photographer that you'd like to add, such as contact information.